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Muslims and Christians: one of you is wrong

Postby Moxie » Mon May 07, 2018 3:56 pm

Before anyone explodes about there being more than two options, yes, I know. Not the point.

Both Christianity and Islam have their Abrahamic roots, but clearly, both oppose each other in terms of belief systems. Neither can be right at the same time, so clearly, at least one of these religions is wrong...the alarming fact being that billions of people will suffer the torments of Hell regardless of which side is right.

Christianity requires obedience to and acceptance of Jesus Christ, as told in the Bible, whereas Islam rejects Jesus being the son of God, and instead allows salvation through the laws and ideology of Islam. So, clearly, if one is right, the other is is wrong.

So, how do you each justify your own religion when the opposing side is every bit as convinced as your own, and how do you find justification in your religion if your deity allowed such a perversion from the origins of the religion to the point that billions of people will be suffering in Hell because of the allowed confusion between them?

And yes, I could include Judaism, since it's the source of both, but their ideology doesn't condemn anyone in the way that Christianity and Islam do.

Re: Muslims and Christians: one of you is wrong

Postby jimwalton » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:05 pm

You are correct that Christianity and Islam oppose each other in terms of belief systems. No argument there. You're correct that they can't both be right, or we are admitting that A = non-A, which is absurd.

> the alarming fact being that billions of people will suffer the torments of Hell regardless of which side is right.

Hell may not be what you perceive it to be, but that's another discussion.

> how do you each justify your own religion when the opposing side is every bit as convinced as your own

Being convinced is not the measure of truth, but rather that which corresponds with reality. For millennia the world was perceived as flat. Being convinced is not the measure of truth. I don't have to justify my religion when the opposing side is convinced; I have to justify it on its own basis or corresponding to reality. What anyone else believes, or how deeply they believe it, is moot.

> if your deity allowed such a perversion from the origins of the religion to the point that billions of people will be suffering in Hell because of the allowed confusion between them

Still focused on hell, I see. Maybe that's what you should have asked about. As far as the deity allowing confusion, we humans were created with free will. We wouldn't be human without it, and there would be no such thing as reason without it. It's essential to our humanity. Now, free will that is not allowed to consider falsity, but only truth, isn't free at all. We are just slaves in that case.

So what is your real question, because this discussion seems to be just a shadow discussion for what's really bugging you?

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:05 pm.
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