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Why Choose Jesus?

Postby Jack 'Em » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:14 pm

What makes you decide that Jesus is the correct god instead of another such as Mohammed?
Jack 'Em

Re: Why Choose Jesus?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:38 am

We have to evaluate claims by every means available: What they said, what evidence they gave for what they claimed, and how people who knew them perceived them, etc.

Jesus claimed to be God, and He spoke with wisdom, treated people with dignity, did miracles to show divine power, claimed to change people inside, rose from the dead, and the 4 authors who wrote about Him spoke of how unique He was and claimed that He was God, encouraging other people to acknowledge that as well. Jesus said He was the way to God (even acknowledged by Muhammad in the Qur'an in Surah 3.55). Billions of His followers claim to have been changed inside as a result of their coming to have a personal relationship with Jesus. (Obviously this is a brief summary; there is so much more to say.)

Mohammed claimed to be a prophet. His writings are somewhat modeled on the Bible, and otherwise seems to have written a lot of disjointed sayings. He married multiple women, some quite young. He never did any miracles, or even claimed to. He personally said he doesn't know the way to heaven (Qur'an Surah 46.9). He personally spread his religion by military conquest and threatening people with death if they didn't convert. Billions of his followers have become strident in their religious practice. It is still the case that more spreading of the religion is done by violence than by other means. (Obviously this is a brief summary; there is so much more to say.)

There are evidences that what Jesus said was true (He had divine power; He rose from the dead; people are changed inside). There are evidences that what Muhammad said was true (he didn't know the way to heaven, he married little girls, he killed people who didn't agree with him).

There are many reasons I believe Jesus is God, and not someone else, such as Muhammad, for one example. We can discuss this further if you wish.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:38 am.
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