Board index The End of the World

Everybody's interested, but nobody cares? Endless theories, wild speculation, and many ancient prophecies. What does the Bible say? Ask what you want.

What things are supposed to happen during the end times?

Postby Big Ed » Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:45 pm

I'm asking for a clearer understanding: What things are supposed to happen during the End Times? It seems to happen frequently where I find myself in conversations (relatives, friends, business folks, etc.) where they'll say something like "Well, it won't be long now." or "This is what the bible says is going to happen." ----- and all sorts of other generalized thoughts on the end is near.

I am earnestly seeking to understand the "what happens next?" belief these folks have. Furthermore - if it is all going down like the bible predicts, why pray for it not to happen? You know - pray for our leaders, pray that a Christian gets in office, pray for X,Y,Z....
Big Ed

Re: What things are supposed to happen during the end times?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:07 am

Wow, that's maybe a deeper question than you know. The answer is huge, and the disagreements are not slight. In a nutshell, the world is supposed to get worse: more wars, more disease, more natural disturbances like earthquakes. Politically things are also supposed to get worse until a political star rises to the foreground and brings a form of unity and peace to the earth. Meanwhile, in theory, Israel is supposed to repossess their land and, many believe, rebuild the Temple on its original site in Jerusalem. While all this is going on, Christians face more and more opposition to the point of persecution and eventually mass martyrdom (all the while, supposedly, creating more "peace" on the earth by this political messiah of sorts). But Christians aren't the only ones under fire. There will be a massive military movement against Israel as well (ah, armageddon).

There are different views as to when during all this Jesus is going to return, this time in military power (his angel army) and to judge the world, but suffice it to say Jesus comes back (the Second Advent). The evil political ruler and his henchmen are judged, the armies of the world that were oppressing Israel are decimated, and Jesus sets up a reign of peace on the earth.

That lasts for a millennium, after which all hell breaks loose, but Jesus wins, Satan is forever banished, and all humanity is judged and they go to the eternal destiny they have chosen by their decisions made during life.

That's a really tiny summary of huge and complex prophecies, but it should get you started. There are so many spaces to fill in and things I've left unsaid.

The first phases, since you asked, that are expected are lots of false teachers within Christianity, saying stuff that just isn't true and swaying the masses. Also a rise in wars, disease outbreaks, and natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, etc. Also prophesied is increase in communication possibilities and speed, and economic changes that make it easier for the world to operate in mutual currencies. There was an expectation that Israel would return to the land and have a country of her own, the Temple will be rebuilt, and there will be great hostility in the region against Israel. Those are sort of the first things expected, along with a general hostility against Christians.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:07 am.
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