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Miracles and Science

Postby Reconnoiter » Mon May 04, 2020 1:15 pm

I've been of the belief that miracles are unexplained science or what author Arthur C. Clarke once said, "Magic's just science that we don't understand yet."

From my research and study of the Bible, I believe that the personality of the Christian God YHWH and by extension Jesus Christ, was to act within the rules and boundaries of their own created system. I don't believe God was the type who snapped His fingers and 'BAM' there's a miracle. In fact, in such a perfectly balanced scientific system, snapping your fingers to create would be almost irresponsible. So, Imagine creating the earth, such a diverse and complicated equation of science and physics, and then not using it.

Imagine all the scientific theories out there that we do not comprehend. Black matter, worm holes, 4th dimension, 5th dimension, even time itself! We corroborate that there's a high likelihood that these ideas exist but can't figure out how to harness their energies. If you believe that Jesus was and is God, which I do, or even if you allow yourself to speculate on it. If Jesus is God and he wrote all the strings of the equation that make this earth and universe work, then he could easily access these energies that are currently beyond our imagination or belief and use them to perform miracles. All this, within the confines of creation.

For example, at one point, fire was probably thought to be magic. Until we understood the science. Imagine a flying plane or an iPhone 500 years ago.

I enjoy theorizing this concept throughout the bible. Would love to talk more about this if anyone is interested.
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Re: Miracles and Science

Postby jimwalton » Mon May 04, 2020 1:38 pm

What an interesting quote by Arthur Clarke! Of course, miracles and magic have nothing in common, but it's still an interesting quote and perspective. Your perspective is intriguing also—that miracles are the effects of yet-undiscovered science. That's fascinating. As we know, quantum mechanics contradicts classical physics: they can't both be true. And yet for the time being neither camp will yield until more is learned (which is fair). But QM has brought such new understandings and new possibilities to the natural world. While miracles are possible in Newtonian physics (as long we know we're not working with a closed system), miracles are even less of a problem with QM. So your perspective is intriguing.

I wonder, though, that even with the most advanced understanding of science, whether miracles will ever be totally explainable by science. C.S. Lewis once mused that many miracles were nature on fast-forward. Wine always comes from water, but it takes 4 months and an organic plant. Bread turns into more bread as yeast works through the lump, but Jesus was working with baked loaves. Healing takes weeks or months, but Jesus did it in seconds. But that can't possibly explain it all. Jesus put the man's ear back on and healed it: that wasn't just time-lapse, but miracle surgery on the fly. We may learn how to cure blindness, but that will never change what Jesus did when he healed the man born blind. And I'm convinced that we'll never learn to raise the dead. So as interesting as your theory is, I don't think science will ever arrive at the place where it can do or explain all of these events.

I love your idea of harnessing energies and laws in ways we can't even imagine. There is SO much we don't know, as you mentioned. It's all so very fascinating.
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Re: Miracles and Science

Postby Reconnoiter » Thu May 07, 2020 8:08 pm

How fascinating. I've been thinking about your response and time.

Scientists now surmise that time is not a constant and is often bent within the natural order of the universe. If this is possible, then surely Jesus knew how to do it.

Truly fascinating.
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Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 2:43 pm

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