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How do we know there's a God? What is he like?

Re: God is supposed to be omniscient

Postby DJ Jazzy » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:02 pm

I appreciate your personal story, and explanations.

I don't have belief in the biblical writings, for there isn't anything I have come across in my own experience to validate the claims made. There is nothing about the bible or the religion that has convinced me of their validity. You mentioned that God revealed himself to Moses, and Jesus performed miracles. None of that has happened to me or anyone I know. And there have been no prophets in our time. Many people who claim to have experienced miracles or have performed miracles have been shown to be charlatans. Enough times, in fact, that I am quite skeptical.

That isn't to say that I haven't learned things from religions and their writings, or that I don't appreciate some of the insights into human nature. But those things don't convince me of the claims about God or Jesus.

I'm not certain that belief is a conscious process. Or not all belief, anyways. Claims are presented to me, with or without substantiation, and they either sound credible or they don't. Or the substantiation is convincing or it isn't. I don't have a moment where I say to myself, "I am going to believe that" or "I am not going to believe that". I either do or I don't. More information may come and change my mind one way or the other, but again it is not a conscious "I am going to...." process. It just happens. The longer I live the one thing I do more or less on a conscious level is say, "I am going to withhold judgment on that claim".

Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:02 pm.
DJ Jazzy


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