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Apologetics helps atheists

Postby Tell me everything » Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:15 pm

Apologetics re assures that God is indeed real, little do they know they're assisting the atheists.

Apologetics just like denominations cannot agree on single interpretation of scripture, they all have their own. They over expand on the Bible, it has to do with their own reasoning and most likely not Gods or the scriptures.

The very fact they create their own reasons/justifications shows how easily a human can create their own interpretation, reasoning, justification and evidently shows that it's very easy to compile your own bible without God.

Humans are capable of many things, don't fool yourself.

Before God(s), curious humans were like apologetics, they had to give their own reasons and justifications why humanity and earth was created, now look how many Gods were created throughout the human race.

Conclusion: Apologetics is a slap in the face, they assist atheists doubts about God, including the "infallible document".
Tell me everything

Re: Apologetics helps atheists

Postby jimwalton » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:51 pm

There is more to Scripture than there seems on the surface. It is a complex book, written in a different language in a different era to a different culture. One cannot expect to treat the Bible simplistically and superficially if one wants to know what it's really all about. Just because apologists dive into cultural contexts, grammar, ancient languages, and the deeper meanings of Scripture doesn't mean they're using their own reasoning or creating their own justifications. It often means they've done homework that the inquirer hasn't done. The Bible is like an onion—layers. You can't just open it up and assume by a glance you know better than those who study it deeply.

> Humans are capable of many things, don't fool yourself.

This is certainly true, but what makes you assume the apologists are the fools instead of others who maybe have not studied as deeply and who also may have quite a truckload of biases on their own?

> Before God(s), curious humans were like apologetics, they had to give their own reasons and justifications why humanity and earth was created, now look how many Gods were created throughout the human race.

This is quite a wild card assumption. How do you know what things were like before there were gods? Paleoanthropologists tell us that the practice of religion is one of the most ancient human behaviors, and the Bible would, of course, claim that there were no humans before God. This is a pretty unsubstantiatable claim.

> Apologetics is a slap in the face, they assist atheists doubts about God

Apologetics is actually giving reasonable and well-studied refutation to the attacks that come against Christianity.

> including the "infallible document".

I assume you're talking about the Bible. Infallible is not a word that the Bible uses to describe itself, and it's not really an adequate word to use when we talk about a complex document like the Bible.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:51 pm.
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