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Evolution and Creation. Where did we come from? How did we get here? What is life all about?

Adam and Eve - real or a fable?

Postby Black Like Me » Mon May 16, 2022 10:36 am

Do you as a Christian believe that Adam & Eve's story is real or a just a some kind of fable?

Because if so then what would be the cause of God allowing diseases to rom the earth and not heal everyone who has cancer?

Since the whole fallen earth argument is used to justify when to my understanding God put them in the position where they were likely to pick the wrong option.

Even then it still doesn't mean he can't do some things every once in a while?
Black Like Me

Re: Adam and Eve - real or a fable?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:04 am

It's real. They were historical. But it's not like you were taught in Sunday School.

> Because if so then what would be the cause of God allowing diseases to rom the earth and not heal everyone who has cancer?

I don't know what this has to do with the historicity of Adam & Eve. Diseases are part of the operations of nature, of genetic mutation and at times of environmental manipulation on the part of humans. God commissioned us to rule the world and subdue it. We are to care for it like good stewards. That means (1) the Earth needs to be cared for. Things will go wrong. (2) when we fail at that job, we contribute to things going wrong.

Why doesn't he heal everyone who has cancer? Cell mutation is real and part of the processes of life. Sometimes cells mutate as cancer cells. God doesn't stop cancer cells from mutating and the damage they cause any more than He stops bricks from falling to the ground by gravity when there's an earthquake and saving everyone. If God did this at every turn to prevent every harm, science and knowledge would cease to exist. There would be no predictable patterns to anything.

> Even then it still doesn't mean he can't do some things every once in a while?

God DOES do some things every once in a while. Many things.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:04 am.
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