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ISIS is no different than Christianity

Postby Nameless » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:40 am

Are the things ISIS does that much different from what the Bible says? Aren't there passages in the Bible about killings gays, nonbelievers, and adulterers? If so, why do Christians consider ISIS immoral?

Re: ISIS is no different than Christianity

Postby jimwalton » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:16 am

There is a sweeping and extensive difference between the two.

1. The Islamic State is a culture in love with devastation (people groups, science, artifacts). They have theological motivations to desire death and destruction in the name of jihad. Jesus, in contrast, said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (Jn. 10.10, reflecting Old Testament teaching: Dt. 30.15-20; ).

2. The Israelites' only military action was to dwell in the land that God had given them. ISIS seeks world domination.

3. The purpose of Jesus was to forgive sins, reconcile people with God, and rule over a spiritual kingdom. The purpose of Muhammad and ISIS is world domination by military action and murder.

4. The differences between Jesus and Muhammad are immeasurable. Jesus: did miracles to help people, preached love and acted in love, exhibited a high moral standard, never used physical violence t force people to believe in him, preached love for enemies, taught not to steal, forbade murder and adultery, taught his disciples to be truthful, blessed children, forgave sinful women, never took another man's wife to be his own, etc. Muhammad never performed a single miracle, didn't preach love, killed and , killed those who insulted him, permitted theft from unbelievers, committed adultery, permitted lying, took a 9-year-old girl into his harem, ordered the murder of women, etc.

5. ISIS recruits people to join their destructive jihad. Jesus recruited people to love God and their neighbor.

6. Jesus, as prophesied in Isa. 61.1-2, came to bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, open prisons, and to proclaim the blessings of God. ISIS is using terrorism to accomplish their goals.

7. ISIS kills people for leaving Islam. Leaving Islam is a death sentence. They kill people who are unbelievers—no compassion on the infidel. Christianity doesn't kill people for leaving Christianity, nor do they kill unbelievers.

8. The prophecy of Abraham (Gn. 12.2-3) is that his offspring would be a blessing to all nations. Islam is an Abrahamic faith. The goal of ISIS is to make the world Muslim by military conquest and murder of infidels.

Most Muslims in the world do not support or endorse ISIS.

"ISIS is the most threatening doctrine of our time. ... Islamic extremism threatens the very core of civilization" ( - Ayaan Hirsi Ali, ex-Muslim turned atheist).

There is very little similarity between the teachings of the Bible and the actions of ISIS (ISIL).

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:16 am.
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