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What we know about heaven and hell

Would you press the button?

Postby Do Good » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:24 am

if you could press a magic button that simply made christianity be false, (and along with that HELL), would you press it?

just hypothetically. i know that no one can compete with god. but this is a hypothetical.

IF there was such a button and it worked 1000%, would you press it?

because think of all the people in hell who you would be freeing from eternal hellfire and torture?

people who never hurt anyone, old buddhist ladies who ran orphanages for example, but they just weren't christian. and millions of similar people.
Do Good

Re: Would you press the button?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:50 am

If we got rid of hell, we would also get rid of both truth and justice. I wouldn't push the button. Just as with a doctor doing surgery, it's impossible to eliminate the alleged evil in question without also eliminating the greater good.

You obviously have a notion that hell is unfair to some people, which is a travesty of Christian doctrine. Though we may disagree on how hell works, how long it lasts, and what it actually is, the Bible is firm on the idea that God will be perfectly fair in his decisions about people's afterlife. So in that sense also your premise and hypothetical button takes us nowhere.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:50 am.
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