Board index LGBT: Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, Transgender, and Homosexuality

Let's talk about it. The Bible says some stuff, and our culture says a lot.
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Postby icecold » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:20 pm

Everyone has their own views on homosexuality but I was wondering how you feel that as Christians we should respond. Because I feel like since we know what God created marriage to be, we automatically strike down those in opposition. So, how should we, as the body of believers, respond?
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Re: Response?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:43 am

We have to be very careful not to "strike". Jesus said very clearly in Matthew 7.1 not to judge others. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5.12 that it's not our business to judge people outside the church. At the same time, Jesus (and the other NT writers) was very clear that we are called to love everyone, even people we disagree with, and even our enemies, even those who persecute us, even those who despitefully use us—no exceptions. There is no person on this planet that Jesus would whisper in our ear, "You don't have to love that person." Nobody. Never.

As Christians, particularly, we have to be careful not to be judgmental, spiteful, biting with our words (Eph. 4.29-32), harsh with our attitudes, or anything else like that. In Romans 14, Paul counsels strongly about not passing judgment in disputable matters. Now, clearly, with regard to homosexuality, some consider it to be a disputable matter, and others a settled teaching. Still we have to learn how to get along (Jn. 17.23; 15.12; 1 Jn. 4.20).

Now, don't misconstrue this to suggest that we have to give up our convictions. Most certainly not. But we have to learn how to disagree without attacking, how to dialogue without anger, and how to love each other despite our radical and deep disagreements. Jesus insists on it, and we have to figure that out. Discussions will get heated, and differences may not be resolved. But our appropriate response is not to judge (which does NOT mean that we have to be accepting and compromising), to love, to do everything within our power to be people of peace (Mt. 5.9; Rom. 12.18), to listen well (James 1.19), but in the end still hold to our convictions. It's a tall order, but Jesus says, "Do it."
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